1. No user installed addons are supported, python or otherwise.
2. No, they really are not supported.
3. They are not coming back
4. Read from 1. again

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Choose whether or not to broadcast filename that is playing on MrMC?

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Joined: 29 Apr 2016, 14:03

Choose whether or not to broadcast filename that is playing on MrMC?

Post by Superhans »


Whilst watching video on my Shield I was just browsing through the Google 'Home' app (basically, the one that used to control Chromecasts but now handles most of Google's home automation stuff too) and noticed that when I clicked on my Shield TV icon, I could see the filename which MrMC was currently playing from my NAS. I tried doing the same when playing something with MrMC on my 'Google TV with Chromecast' and I could also see any media files being played there too.

Knowing Google, I'm sure they scrape as much data as they can from Android devices so if I can see the filename being played by MrMC on my Home app, Google surely can too - is there any way to put in an option to not have MrMC pass on data through whatever API is being used here? I'd rather not have Google record the filename of every bit of media I privately play on MrMC running on an Android TV box, they already have enough of my viewing and listening preferences from YouTube and any time I use cast to a Chromecast.

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