1. No user installed addons are supported, python or otherwise.
2. No, they really are not supported.
3. They are not coming back
4. Read from 1. again

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Music lacking "Album" view when using Jellyfin?

Any issues that are tvOS specific
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Joined: 21 Aug 2022, 17:42

Music lacking "Album" view when using Jellyfin?

Post by CoastToApogee »

Hi folks,

I'm new to MrMC so apologies if I'm missing any obvious context.

I set up MrMC on my new Apple TV and logged in to my Jellyfin server. TV and movies play just fine, but when I try to load music, I'm greeted with a list of artists. Once I choose an artist I can see their albums, but it's still a list view without cover art.

When I first tried to solve this issue I found this thread which among other things suggested changing the hierarchy flattening option. This seems to make no difference in my case. The thread does seem to suggest that switching to SMB mode might resolve the problem but it would be nice to keep this on my Jellyfin server if possible.

This problem is especially confusing because on the main MrMC page I can see "Recent Albums" at the bottom with full albums including cover art as expected.

Can anyone suggest the proper way to resolve this issue? Or is SMB the only way to go at this time?

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