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Live TV Pause, Play behavior how to?

Any issues that are FireTV specific
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Posts: 6
Joined: 12 Oct 2016, 03:39

Live TV Pause, Play behavior how to?

Post by robtown »

I have the HDHomeRun Prime and can navigate channels while using the HDHomerun PVR. I can also get to my Plex TV shows and movies. I use the beta Plex HDHomeRun DVR.

What I can do is pause a live channel, then play again.
What I want to do is [what I do now with FIOS STB]
  • start viewing a football game, then hit pause
    at some time later hit play and use skip forward (30 sec), skip backward (10 sec), fast forward fast rewind, pause again
I do this to skip commercials and to skip a head between downs. When I tried with a HGTV show, pausing for 20 minutes first, I could only start play again. Using the controller left, right buttons I only got weird results in the dialog progress bar that pops up in the upper right corner. I could not tell if it really worked, and when other scenes showed up (no viewing while ffwd frwd) the sound would take up to 30 seconds to return. I have not found a skip capability. In contrast, while watching a recorded movie, the ffwd, and frwd buttons seem to function.

Also, in the onscreen button bar that appears on the bottom of the screen (center button push), on the far right is a grayed out round dot/button. It looks like a record icon. Does this integrate with some DVR software? Would that be the HDHomeRun DVR? Would pressing that start recording the current show?
Along those lines, there is a setting buried in the interface to change the default TV record time, default is 120 seconds. Is that related?
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