1. No user installed addons are supported, python or otherwise.
2. No, they really are not supported.
3. They are not coming back
4. Read from 1. again

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Add own shortcut

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Joined: 18 Jun 2018, 16:30

Add own shortcut

Post by pettergulbra »


I come from Spmc, know that this is almost the same but more regid in what to add etc.

But is it possible to add shortcuts to apps in Android. Like I want an shortcut to f.ex. YouTube or games?

I know I can find them under programs, but I want to add YouTube like a submenu under movies. As MrMC can't use trailers.

I use Black Glass Nova at the moment.

Hope there will be some more adjustments to the skins. There isn't much we can do now, as we can in the same skins in Kodi.
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