1. No user installed addons are supported, python or otherwise.
2. No, they really are not supported.
3. They are not coming back
4. Read from 1. again

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Other than that, we hope you enjoy MrMC so far and we welcome any input and feedback you might have.

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MrMC v3.0.5 on iOS

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MrMC v3.0.5 on iOS

Post by davilla »

core: libdsm, bring back session caching
core: libdsm: check for errors session create instead of timing out
core: add back the other flavor of samba for android
core: show sets when services are enabled in skin.mrmc
backport: [3d] Avoid switching stereo mode based on current display mode
backport: fix aspect ratio for matroska containers for stereo modes

Revert: set DSM as default SMB service
Revert: smb: remove FORCEV1 setting
fixed: emby set watched
fixed: when called to stop app, stop rendering
fixed: crash on exit. CGUITextureManager is a global and we have no clue when it gets destructed.
fixed, revert program stream selection for m3u8
fixed: memory leak and potential crashes
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