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2. No, they really are not supported.
3. They are not coming back
4. Read from 1. again

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How does FireTV+Plex perform on 4k formats?

Any issues that are FireTV specific
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Posts: 27
Joined: 10 Feb 2016, 15:45

How does FireTV+Plex perform on 4k formats?

Post by convertapple »

I wondered if anyone can answer on the 4k capabilities of the FireTV using MrMC as front end for Plex. I did have one briefly a year ago, but ran Plex tests for a few days then took it back due to too much transcoding (N40L low powered server can't transcode, so all my media is in mp4 format). I'm hoping that MrMC+Plex (totally genius idea BTW) might get closer to HTPC utopia. I tried these out on an XBox One S using Plex, not great results.

h.264 4k mp4 video (XBOneS + Plex = transcodes = fail)
h.265 4k mp4 video (XBOneS + Plex = DirectPlay = OK (though sometimes transcodes on exact same file!)
iPhone6S/7 mp4 4k video recording (XBOneS + Plex = transcodes = fail)

How do these formats fair using MrMC to direct play from Plex server? TIA
Posts: 27
Joined: 10 Feb 2016, 15:45

Re: How does FireTV+Plex perform on 4k formats?

Post by convertapple »

I have now got hold of a FireTV and it does play back iPhone 6+/7 4k video recordings in 4k fine, only device that does AFAIK. The normal 4k.h265's play back fine too, as do 1080p.h265's.

MrMC on Fire is a bit crashy, when going via AV amp + hdmi splitter. I suspect an 'only on play' option to minimise TV refresh rate changes when using the adjust display refresh option would help with this. So only adjust display refresh rate when media is played that doesn't match current setting. So when media stops or MrMC is first run just leave it at current settings (as long as suitable for U.I. display). The continual changing when videos start/stop seems to cause it to bale out to FireTV homescreen a fair bit.
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