1. No user installed addons are supported, python or otherwise.
2. No, they really are not supported.
3. They are not coming back
4. Read from 1. again

Any mention of illegal streaming sites, addons or any pirated material will not be tolerated. This is not democracy and any offenders will be banned and posts deleted immediately without warning.

Other than that, we hope you enjoy MrMC so far and we welcome any input and feedback you might have.

Team MrMC.

Testing MrMC 3.7.0 - [Invites Closed]

Old TestFlight threads
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Testing MrMC 3.7.0 - [Invites Closed]

Post by davilla »

TestFlight is now closed as we prepare for RC and release.

Thanks to all that participated!!

Pending for iOS.
Released for tvOS.
Pending for Amazon.
Released for GooglePlay.
For GooglePlay Beta Testers only, https://play.google.com/apps/testing/tv.mrmc.mrmc
For GooglePlay Beta Open Testers only, https://play.google.com/apps/testing/tv.mrmc.mrmc.lite
For Amazon. Note, if you opted-out of Amazon marketing communications, you will not get the notification email.

sync libdsm 2.0.8+
added, libsmb2 (smb2/smb3) support
add Tunes Shared Folder
use native ndk intf for MediaCodec
switch to GLES 3.0
use final redirected path for internet streams
cleanup Trakt service error string
videodb, avoid destructive refreshes
droid, draw GUI on own View
droid, fixed handling of IEC setting
droid, add tone mapping for HDR -> SDR
droid, add HQ scalers
droid, setting to disable amcs for SD
droid, windowing changes and fixes
droid, mediacodec changes and fixes

(180505.1018 @a0f4bb5b8)
fixed plex/emby clients/addon
sync skin.ariana

(180507.1807 @20180506-2da108b)
add tvOS DarkMode access
add service.libraryautoupdate
add script.advanced.wol
sync skin.ariana
fixed: don't use HQ when downscaling

(180511.354 @20180510-1f63b63)
fixed crash if 2-byte/3-byte NALs are present, need to save a copy of extradata as it can be altered via bit stream converter
added, 2-byte to 4-byte NAL length if avcC detected
add System.HasExtensions , returns true if at least one Extension is enabled
revert "ADD: HDR->SDR via GLES shaders"
changed labeling from Services -> Libraries
revert information provider browser instead of addons and they are called extensions now
add HasContent(pictures) and HasContent(files)
depreciate LIBRARY_HASSERVICES skin bool , extend plex and emby services to return if they have movie, tvshow or music libraries
fixed, tvOS light/dark/automatic needs a plist enable
sync skin.ariana, skin opacity

(180512.506 @20180510-1f63b63)
sync all skins

(180513.1646 @20180513-623df98)
add script.keymap
changed, skip hitting network for mimetype if gul extension is .jpg or .png
sync plex extension (0.1.6)
properly assign ratings from Plex
fix content from services in Files.GetDirectory json rpc api
fix plex music listings
fix playback and updating for media provided by services
add library nodes for services
add possibility to load skin includes from outside the skin root folder
fixed, user extensions should be disbled by default
add, script.xbmc.unpausejumpback

3.7.0 (180522.355)
- add server selector on home screen
- Opacity skin changes to accommodate ^^
- ariana skin fixes by pecinko
- typo in System.Platform.IOS , always true on iOS and tvOS
- plex: music nodes fixup
- clear home shelf items(RA and inProgress) when switching servers
- fixed, hev1 format under videotoolbox

(180522.1745 @20180520-31976a2)
fixup: Servers on home screen

(180524.438 @826dfe)
actors: add monogram for video info screen
plex: cleanup SearchPlex(), do not attempt to retreive information if size is 0.. there is nothing there

(180527.1712 @20180527-f53a2bd)
FIX, fast swipe issue under Ariana
CHG, silence log spew about not finding defaulted textures
FIX: CurlFile::Put with return
BCK: add videodb://inprogresstvshows
FIX, qualify server type when picking home servers
ADD: Hue light service

(180530.1333 @20180530-39e47ba)
FIX: hue
SYC: skin.ariana
FIX: [droid] differentiate hardcoded id's

(180531.1352 @20180531-aedcede)
FIX: Servers on home screen
FIX hue: settings typo
FIX fixup hue: switch off for bri == 0
ADD: [droid] Initial implem of Oreo Watch Next
ADD: [droid] allow to resume video by intent

(180603.2257 @20180603-14ddd99)
FIX: hue: ping host first + cache settings
FIX: a/v offset slipping out to tvOS home
FIX: add dev fixup for edit keymaps opps
FIX: let GetAction() get our custom action from siri remote
FIX: hue: apply force after sunset to all modes
FIX: hue: revert on screensaver and service off
FIX: hue: setting to only force lights ON after sunset, bridge knows if its day or night. location needs to be set in Hue app
FIX: HUE: check if we have a bridge before calling stopStreaming() and getLights()
FIX: hue compile warnings
FIX: hue: bool instead of int
FIX: hue: start and stop hue services on tvOS
FIX: hue: initialize openssl
FIX: check and set transcoded path in Texture database, Plex Items only.
FIX: plex: Art is set to transcode for Plex items, if filename is “transcode” Plex Server will return image and no need to check MimeType
FIX: plex: cleanup plex photo transcoding options
FIX: plex: correctly assign external subtitles, shoudl fix some issues with duplicate streams being detected
FIX: [mhd] return content length for downloads
ADD: [webserver] add method CHTTPFileHandler::SetLastModifiedDate(const struct __stat64 *statBuffer)
ADD: [hue] fallback to nupnp if ssdp cannot find the bridge
FIX: in progress HomeShelf Items - Local DB

(180609.7 @20180608-a7bc69f)
ADD: PvrAddons to Media Sources
ADD: addon manager: GetAllAddons by type
ADD: playlists to Media Sources
ADD: CGUIButtonControl getLabel2 from skin
ADD: ContinueWatching , we have RA , in progress and ContinueWatching now
ADD: RA and in Progress to Node sections of Movies and Tvshows
ADD: videodb://inprogressmovies
ADD: hidden option to CGUIDialogNumeric::ShowAndGetNumber, if password is numeric
ADD: Media Sources: add plex and emby signin to make it easy for newcomers
ADD: ButtonTranslator set strAction once we get it
FIX: Servers on home screen
FIX: Media Sources Plex/Emby VerifyLogout
FIX: name Continue Watching and OnDeck types properly
FIX: use hidden CGUIDialogNumeric::ShowAndGetNumber input for password
FIX: check TranslateCustomControllerString for custom controller string before getting action string
plex: Choose User -> Users
plex: SortByNone for all node content, let server dictate the order
plex: set plex user selection content to “"users”” , will be used in skins to skin a different looking window
plex: add HomeUserThumb and save it to settings
plex: fix tvshow listing

3.7.0 (180611.200)
- android play/pause tryfix
- plex playlists in Home-> Playlists
- FIX: rendering crash

(180613.305 @20180612-1a4a067)
ADD: tvOS bluetooth keyboard handing, maps to keyboard.xml
FIX: tvOS audio sink should adapt to tvOS audio channels (such as airplay devices)
FIX: anoying behavior is a pvr manager is enabled but has no client
FIX: tvos double tap on home while playing video
ADD: plex: show show thumbs in recently added
ADD logging to CMediaSourceSettings::Save()
FIX: PVR.TvMenuToGuide in PVR manager
FIX: Servers on home screen
FIX: plex: do not sort RA and in progress items, let plex dictate the order
FIX: plex: fix season, album and song listings
ADD: show sources on Home screen

(180617.6 @20180616-577598f)
SYNC: skin.ariana
FIX: keymap editor for keyboards
FIX: do not refresh home thumbs if we are not at home
plex: add playlist duration as Label2()
plex: set all nodes/filters content to items.SetContent("filters");
Plex: clear artist(musis) and photo sections before updating them
plex: typo , clear playlist section not m_movieSections :(
pass m_parentRedirect, if it was set over to a new window
FIX: add PvrAddons to Media Sources
FIX: Servers on home screen
ActiveAE: Fix up Typo
FIX: Servers on home screen
pvr: force clean EPG database when stopping the PVR manager
Media Sources PostMsg(TMSG_SETPVRMANAGERSTATE) to toggle PVR manager on/off
tvOS: fix step back/Forward on Live TV
Display milliseconds in log file
fix Plex TvShow dialoginfo

(180618.1839 @20180617-5d2df66)
CHG: sync skins
FIX: libsmb2 does not support SEEK_END yet, emulate it
CHG: [bluray] bump depends/libbluray to 1.0.2 and sync codebase
CHG: [lang] Modernize LangCodeExpander and sync
Revert "FIX: do not refresh home thumbs if we are not at home"
FIX: WindowMedia Sources parent_redirect
FIX: activate window by sending “mediasources://“
FIX: send ACTION_NAV_BACK always in MediaSources window
FIX: cleanup items in MS window
FIX: activate MediaSources window with return parameter, prevents us from being stuck in MS window
FIX: Servers on home screen

(180621.110 @20180620-b050db4)
FIX: WindowMedia Sources parent_redirect
FIX: GUIWindowScreensaverDim only if g_application.GetDimScreenSaverLevel() has changed
FIX: do not open CGUIDialogMuteBug on tvOS, mute is not an option
CHG: sync skins
CHG: [bluray] hide bluray menu until we get a java vm working with droid/darwin

(180622.1315 @20180621-85dcfb3)
FIX: hue crash if getLights is less than values in settings
FIX: WindowMedia Sources parent_redirect
CHG: sync skins

(180624.214 @20180623-94b6e08)
ADD: Appearance/tvOS setting for list wrapping, default is false/no wrap
ADD: tvos, houston we have wiggle

(180701.2332 @20180701-d0a8f9d)
SYC: skins
FIX: tvos, AVAudioSession/setActive can fail if i/o is in progress, try again at least 10 times
FIX: tvOS, reset pan animation so next item starts centered
FIX: scrubber thumbnailer crash if picure format is RENDER_FMT_NONE
CHG: bump to libsmb2 1.0.0-2 in prep for smb2_share_enum
CHG: use AVAudioSessionRouteSharingPolicyLongForm if under tvOS 11+
FIX: make sure we have extradata present before recognizing these input streams
FIX: when display switching, inform codec so those using by-pass (ie avfoundation) know to pause
CHG: flag mt2s of > 20GB as bluray so we do not use a reduced analyzeduration
CHG: ignore 2nd video stream (possible dolby vision enhancement layer) in m2ts files
FIX: prevent crash if there are no scrapers
FIX: libsmb2 wants ip addresses
FIX: re-allow to lookup unscrapped shows
CHG: animate FocusEngineState::Clear so it slides back to original possition
ADD: [oreo] home trailers for movies
FIX: [droid;at] refactors & fixes
FIX: [oreo] wants pre-populated channels now
COSMETIC: CWinSystemAndroidEGL
FIX: [amc] limit the number of held buffers
FIX: [egl] fallback to egl2 if egl3 is failing
FIX: Servers on home screen
FIX: do not overwrite system includes
CHG: [droid] log lib paths at startup
FIX: [droid] night mode
FIX: [voicerecog] add alternative keys
FIX: [droid] audio enumeration
FIX: [windows] forgotten windows deletion
FIX: [droid] use CLog in xbmcapp
FIX: [AT] various
FIX: [AT] leave volume alone in API IEC

3.7.0 (180704.1545)
tvOS, exclude wiggling when in pvr related windows
FIX: screensaver in pvr
fix: set content error, last item used to be “Get more…” and this is not needed anymore since “Get more …” sleeps with the fishes

(iOS 180704.2231 @20180704-8f07ac0)
FIX: remove Ariana (pkg'ing error)
FIX: avfoundation codec does not like to starve, feed it more
FIX: plex extension, remove multiple video stream limit

(tvOS 180704.2130 @20180704-8f07ac0)
FIX: avfoundation codec does not like to starve, feed it more
FIX: plex extension, remove multiple video stream limit

(180708.1602 @20180708-ea895b5)
FIX: iOS needs to use maxChannels, some devices only have one
FIX: CSlideEffect needs to use MathUtils::round_int or we can get fractional pixels
ADD: CApplication method for when skin is changing
FIX: hang on auto skin switch.
FIX: [amc] debug on-demand
FIX: [amc] multiple frames per packet was broken

(180709.1208 @20180709-fd2e7ec)
FIX: allow modal dialogs to create uiviews for focus, else we bounce out on menu
ADD: ios: monitor hardware volume keys
CHG: slow down nav, we respond much faster than normal tvOS apps

(180712.1150 @"20180711-af3b320)
FIX: compiler warning
CHG: remove cpu/mem usage logging, not needed any more
CHG: if user press "play", assume he wants to play...
CHGL set default select action to “show info”
CHG: if user press "play", assume he wants to play...
FIX: [droid] better audio devices logging
FIX: tvOS, check for hasPlayerProgressScrubbing before sending IR taps
FIX: allow modal dialogs to create uiviews for focus, else we bounce out on menu
ADD: ios, monitor hardware volume keys

(180716.143 @20180715-660b049)
FIX: HomeShelfJob: avoid using g_windowManager
FIX: XSP/json sorting by rating
FIX: no reason to check for opacity skin on startup anymore
FIX: plex, properly parse Continue Watching, we need to parse episode separately from Movie
CHG: remove CSettings::SETTING_SERVICES_UUID from NetworkServices, we try to set it too early in init process
FIX: plex: cleanup playback url
FIX: compiler warning
CHG: remove cpu/mem usage logging, not needed any more

(180718.1351 @20180717-aab9698)
FIX: unecessary double skin start
FIX: HomeShelf race while reloading Home Window

(180721.102 @20180720-b7df251)
SYNC: tvdb 2.0.11
SYNC: tmdb 4.1.2
FIX: [home] always play albums

(180721.1923 @20180721-9affa5c)
fixup tmdb scrapper

(180803.1217 @20180801-229b3bb)
FIX: HomeShelf race while reloading Home Window
FIX: [hue] lights is not a vector

(180822.331 @20180821-1078625)
chg: core, do not include access tokens for cache seeding as they can change
fix: core/plex/photo/transcode. The Plex Photo Transcoder is not serialized and will fail on multiple access if close to same time
fix: core: log message
fix: core: fixed ret to match type
fix: core: fixed wrong usage of URIUtils::PathStarts
fix: core: modernize crc32 usage
tst: plex: increase GetIdentity timeout - tryfix

(180824.56 @20180823-b5a73eb)
fix: tvos sink, handle ac3 5.0 channels
fix: add alternate 5.0(side) channel layout for dac-ac3 decoder
fix: opensubtitle, search for certain languages

(180828.242 @20180824-3a4fe32)
sync skins.
release candidate
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Testing MrMC 3.7.0

Post by LePousson »

Hi ...

I'm currently into the 3.5 and 3.6 testing ...

Will I get access to the 3.7 testing phase ?? Any ETA to get the 1st build on TestFlight ?

Thanks in advance for the reply !

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Joined: 12 Dec 2015, 14:16

Re: Testing MrMC 3.7.0

Post by cosmoxl »

holy cow, the list of changes looks amazing. :shock:

edit: What is "Tunes shared folder"?
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Re: Testing MrMC 3.7.0

Post by davilla »

cosmoxl wrote: 04 May 2018, 16:46 holy cow, the list of changes looks amazing. :shock:

edit: What is "Tunes shared folder"?
iOS only. -> https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201301
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Re: Testing MrMC 3.7.0

Post by amet »

cosmoxl wrote: 04 May 2018, 16:46 holy cow, the list of changes looks amazing. :shock:

edit: What is "Tunes shared folder"?
that was specifically for you and your iPad :)

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Re: Testing MrMC 3.7.0

Post by cosmoxl »

amet wrote: 04 May 2018, 17:30
cosmoxl wrote: 04 May 2018, 16:46 holy cow, the list of changes looks amazing. :shock:

edit: What is "Tunes shared folder"?
that was specifically for you and your iPad :)

Thanks! I was confused by "tunes". That's why I asked. I guess it was supposed to be "itunes"?
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Re: Testing MrMC 3.7.0

Post by davilla »

Forgot to include "added, libsmb2 (smb2/smb3) support"

This is a new smb support lib for smb2/smb3 access. You must specify server AND sharename as both browsing for servers and shares on a server are not supported by smb2/smb3 protocols.
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Re: Testing MrMC 3.7.0

Post by LePousson »

Hi ...

It seems that there is a problem on TestFlight or on my AppleTV ... I do not see the 3.7 builds, only 3.5, 3.6 & 3.6.1 ...

What should I do ??

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Re: Testing MrMC 3.7.0

Post by davilla »

wait until they appear :) some are still waiting in review.
Posts: 1759
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Re: Testing MrMC 3.7.0

Post by cosmoxl »

davilla wrote: 04 May 2018, 19:17 wait until they appear :) some are still waiting in review.
out now on googleplay :P

tvOS I checked a few minutes ago and still wasn't there.